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Cat toilet training: how to litter train a kitten

Sally Keegan - TrustedHousesitters blog author
Sally Keegan
September 20, 20185 min read

Are you preparing for the pitter patter of tiny paws in your home? If you’re about to become a pet parent, you’re probably full of questions, like what you should call your new pet, what to feed your cat, and how to litter train a kitten.

Of course, we can’t help name your new furry family member. However, we are full of advice when it comes to caring for felines; our friends at Cats Protection have already helped us clear up what cats can or can’t eat and now we’re answering all the most common questions about cat toilet training.

From litter training kittens to tips for cats experiencing toilet trouble, here’s what you need to know...

Cat litter training: will my kitten arrive toilet trained?

Unlike pups, kittens tend to arrive home litter trained, so don't lose any sleep over how to litter train a kitten, although it's certainly a great thing to be clued-up on as a pet parent. This is because their mums teach them good toilet hygiene early on.

How do the clever mummy cats litter train a kitten, then? Until their kittens are around three to five weeks old, queens — the name given to unspayed female cats — will stimulate their kittens to wee and poo by licking their tummy or perineum. They’ll then carry their young away so they do not soil where they sleep, and clean away any accidents in or around the nest. The clean kitties will also cover wherever they do poo or wee with a loose material, like soil or litter.

This instinctive behaviour reduces the risk of infection and avoids unwanted attention from potential predators. The behaviour is picked up by the kittens and consequently passed down from feline to feline, and is the reason cats very rarely soil their nest area or neglect to use a dedicated litter tray.

While your clever new pet is likely to arrive toilet trained, they'll need to be directed to their new toilet area. However, if you already have a cat, the new arrival may be able to sniff out the designated area using the odour of their feline friend’s waste.

When to start kitten litter training

A suitable litter tray should be ready and waiting for your kitten as soon as they arrive home, which should be at around eight weeks of age or older. If your new kitten comes home younger than this, then you’ll need to step into the paws of mummy puss and start litter training as soon as possible.

If your kitten is really young, you’ll need to stimulate their toilet behaviour using wet cotton on their tummy or behind, then let them go to the toilet directly into the litter tray. Then, at about four to five weeks old — or as soon as your curious kitten begins to wander and explore — you’ll need to commence cat litter training.

How to litter train a kitten: equipment list

Here’s a handy list of what you'll need for house training a kitten.

  • A pen or crate
  • A litter tray that is shallow enough for your tiny kitten to step into
  • An unscented litter that is light enough for your kitten to move and rearrange
  • A litter scoop and poo bags
  • Absorbent sheets or towels to clean up those inevitable little accidents while toilet training your kitten
  • Odour eliminator spray
  • Plenty of patience

How to litter train a kitten: step by step

Step one: Using a pen or crate, start your cat litter training journey by sectioning off a small area that includes your kitten’s food, water, a snuggly bed, and their litter tray. As your kitty will likely have arrived knowing not to soil their bed, they’ll naturally see their litter tray as a suitable place to use as a toilet. However, to avoid causing your kitty confusion, start by keeping the area relatively small.

Step two: Of course, your kitten will need plenty of supervised playtime outside of their pen or crate area. During this time, if your kitten displays signs of needing the toilet, such as beginning to rake or dig, then quickly guide them back to their dedicated litter tray - cat litter toilet training is all about consistency.

Step three: Eventually, your kitten will be regularly and reliably using their litter tray. At this point, you can increase the size of their dedicated area until they’re free to roam — just be sure to always give them clear access to their cat litter tray.

Also, it’s important to note that our feline friends understandably don’t like to eat or drink near a toilet. So, as your kitten's litter training comes to an end, be sure their toilet is positioned away from their food and water. New pet parents should also provide plenty of water supplies to encourage their kitty to stay well hydrated.

How long does kitten litter training take?

Providing they’ve received proper kitten litter training from either their moggy mum or their human pet parent, then a kitten will learn how to use a litter tray fairly quickly. In fact, kittens will commonly associate a litter tray as their toilet by the time they’re four to six weeks old. So if you've had canine friends in the past, not to worry, kitten litter training is nowhere near as strenuous!

Common cat toilet training problems

Cats are extremely clean creatures and can quickly develop an aversion to a litter tray, so kitten litter training isn't always exactly a walk in the park. So, if you’re having problems litter training your kitten or are pet sitting a kitten who is continually having accidents, it’s worth wondering whether it’s because...

  • The litter tray isn't clean enough — a litter tray should be checked and cleaned twice a day, and completely cleaned on a weekly basis
  • The litter isn't deep enough
  • The litter is scented
  • The litter tray is positioned in a particularly public or busy area of the home
  • The tray is too small or not covered
  • Your cat has experienced a urinary infection or obstruction, and so associates the litter tray with pain
  • They can’t access the litter tray easily enough
  • They didnt have appropriate kitten litter training

Kitten litter training FAQs

4-6 weeks.

Kitten litter training usually takes between four and six weeks. Many will get the hang of it pretty quickly, learning to associate their litter box with going to the toilet with patience and consistent training from pet parents.

We all know that our feline friends are clever creatures, and sometimes that intelligence can be stretched to kitten litter training. Many cats simply need to be shown where their litter tray is, and the rest, well, is history.

Some pet parents choose to toilet train their cat, but a little tray or box will suit your feline friend just fine. While many go down the toilet route for cleanliness, it can be dangerous for your kitty, and means you're flushing away any evidence of potential illnesses, which can be invaluable for vets.

If the kitten or a cat in your care is having toilet troubles, remember that TrustedHousesitters members can call the Vet Advice Line while on a sit to talk to a team of veterinary experts. Available 24/7, simply dial the number on your dashboard to get help and advice from our team of dedicated veterinary nurses.

Watch our short video explaining how to find a pet sitter with the wonderful world of TrustedHousesitters — the kind and caring alternative to catteries and kennels.

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