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Cat cuisine facts: What can or can’t cats eat?

Sally Keegan - TrustedHousesitters blog author
Sally Keegan
21 September 202113 min read
A cat eating a treat given by their human.

Updated 28/11/2023

Worried your cat’s piling on the pounds? Caring for someone else’s kitty and unsure what human food is safe for them to snack on? We’re here to help.

We spoke to our feline-loving friends at the UK’s largest cat charity, Cats Protection, to find out all the kitty cuisine facts. From how much you should feed a cat to whether or not cats can eat cheese, our friendly partners were happy to provide us with all the expert answers…

But before we get started, if you're a pet parent, why not find out how old your cat is in human years? Reveal your cat's age with our cat years to human years converter.

What can cats eat?

Cats are carnivores, so they thrive on a meat-based diet. However, this does not mean cat owners can feed their puss purely on meaty leftovers from their dinner plate. To keep your kitty happy and healthy, they need plenty of protein and a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals, and some may need to be on an extra special diet due to their health.

So, what can cats eat to make sure they’re getting all the nutrients they need? The answer is simply cat food. Just make sure you choose a can, bag, or pouch labeled ‘complete’, as commercially complete cat food is specially formulated to meet your fluffy friend’s dietary needs.

Wet cat food vs. dry cat food

There are two primary types of cat food to choose from; wet cat food and dry cat food. Which you choose is up to you; you can even feed your cat a combination of the two, as both have their own benefits.

Benefits of wet cat food:

Tins or pouches of wet cat food contain meaty chunks, usually in jelly or gravy. As it has a high water content, feeding your cat wet food is a great way to make sure they’re staying well hydrated. So, if your cat is suffering from a medical condition which means they need extra fluids, your vet may recommend feeding them wet food. Fancy checking it out? Here's our list of the best wet cat food.

Benefits of dry food:

Letting your cat chomp on dry cat biscuits, also known as kibble, may help to keep their teeth clean by helping remove plaque and tartar which can cause tooth loss. If your clever cat tends to get a bit bored, pouring kibble into a pet puzzle feeder bowl can also be a great way to stimulate their minds and keep them occupied.

How much should I feed a cat?

Some cats prefer to graze on their food throughout the day whilst others like to clean their bowl at meal times. Sticking to morning and evening meals is appropriate for most cats, or leaving their portion of food down throughout the day so they can come and go from it as they please. To know how much food you should give your cat, check our our feeding guide or follow the advice on the food packet. Of course, if you’re pet sitting a cute kitty, it’s important to just stick to their daily diet regime by following the owner’s instructions.

If you’d like to treat your clever kitty, there are plenty of tasty cat snacks on the market. Also, feeding your feline pieces of “people food” now and again is fine, such as a well-cooked fish or chicken as long as it is not cooked in any seasoning, oil, or with anything toxic such as onion or garlic.

Although it can be tempting to shower them with treats, be careful not to overfeed them. It’s important to keep a close eye on your kitty’s weight; if you’re worried your furry friend is over or underweight, or if you notice an unexpected change in their size, take them to their vet.

What human food can cats eat?

Although your cat’s diet should exclusively consist of high quality cat food, we know kitties are curious creatures and they will look at your food with glassy eyes, begging for a small bite of whatever you’re having. It’s difficult to say no to your furry friend but you should be happy to learn that some “human food” can be perfectly safe for cats, provided that you give it to them in moderation and as a special and very occasional treat. 

Don’t make a habit out of it, but here’s some human food cats can eat: 

  1. Can cats eat fish? Small servings of cooked fish or oily fish (such as mackerel) can be a nice treat to give your cat every now and then. There are also cat-friendly versions on the market which will be better suited to your moggy’s needs.
  2. Can cats eat cooked meat? Cooked meat and fish (especially chicken and turkey) can be served to cats cut into small pieces and without any seasoning or oils. It makes for a special treat.
  3. Can cats eat eggs? - Like meat, cook any eggs you plan on letting your cat taste.
  4. Can cats eat bananas? - Bananas are perfectly safe for cats.
  5. Can cats eat berries? Remember to give them a good rinse and remove the stems. Berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries are rich in fibre and contain antioxidants. But they are high in sugar so should be fed in small portions as a rare treat.
  6. Can cats eat pears? Remove seeds, peel and stem (they can contain small amounts of cyanide) and you’re good to go. They're high in vitamins, fibre and antioxidants, which are good for your cat. But also high in sugar, so it’s best to stick to small amounts.
  7. Can cats eat melon? - Remove the seeds and the rind before serving this juicy summer treat to your cat. 
  8. Can cats eat pumpkin? - As long as you remove the outer skin and seeds, pumpkin is a safe “human food” for cats.
  9. Can cats eat vegetables? Cats are obligate carnivores and must consume animal protein to stay healthy. Whilst their tummies are not designed for fruits and vegetables, some can be safely fed in very small amounts every now and as a treat. The vitamin and fibre content in a small cat safe portion is not usually enough to be a reliable source of these nutrients. Some of the safe vegetables you can feed your cat are carrots, cucumbers, celery, green beans or lettuce. 
  10. Can cats eat bread? - While it’s not the healthiest because cats don’t need carbs, baked bread is not poisonous or harmful to felines. 
  11. Can cats eat cereal? Cats don’t need carbs in their diet but unrefined whole grains and wheat cereals can be good for them as an occasional snack because of their vitamins, fiber, and iron. 
  12. Can cats eat oatmeal? - Another “human food” that is safe for cats if you treat it as a rare treat. It’s high in fiber and iron, which are good for your furry friend. 
  13. Can cats eat raw meat? Raw diets are on the rise, and they don't come without their risks (like bacteria and parasites). But by consulting your vet and only buying commercially available pet food products, your kitty is much less likely to encounter any nasties. Always practice good hygiene such as hand washing and disinfecting surfaces after handling or preparing raw treats.
  14. Can cats eat rice? Rice isn't harmful to cats per se, so a few grains here and there won't do any harm. White rice is easier for cats to digest than brown rice. But, cats are carnivores so should always be eating a meat-based diet - too much carbohydrate will cause serious weight gain!
  15. Can cats eat peanuts? Technically peanuts are safe for cats (as long as they're not coated in salt), but can cause serious weight gain and they pose a serious choking hazard.
  16. Can cats eat bacon? Your kitty can enjoy a small nibble on cooked bacon, but the high salt and fat content means it's bad news if fed in high quantities as it can lead to pancreatitis.
  17. Can cats eat shrimp? Shrimp is a high protein, low calorie snack that's perfect for the occasional feline-friendly treat.
  18. Can cats eat beans? Most beans (if we're talking legumes, not coffee or cocoa beans!) are safe for cats if cooked. The protein-rich morsels should only be one-off snacks though, as cats are obligate carnivores and need animal protein to stay healthy.
  19. Can cats eat pork? Pork is high in protein, so won't do any harm as a treat every now and then.
  20. Can cats eat coconut? Coconut is safe for cats if it's shared in small amounts sparingly when it's fresh. Coconut oil is very fatty and can cause upset tummies, weight gain, and pancreatitis.

    Remember that a cat’s diet should include almost exclusively high-quality cat food. Any of these foods, whilst safe for your cat, should only be given as a special snack. 

What human food can’t cats eat?

You’ve just grabbed a bit of chocolate and hear a familiar meow. Look down and there it is: your kitty wanting a taste of your treat.

While sometimes it’s ok to share certain cat-friendly human foods with them - if it’s healthy and you don’t make a habit out of it -, some “human foods” are bad for cats. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common human foods you shouldn’t feed your cat: 

  1. Can cats eat chocolate? - Don’t feed your cat chocolate as it’s toxic. Delicious as it is, it contains caffeine and theobromine, which can cause heart problems, muscle tremors and seizures in cats. 
  2. Can cats eat onions? All members of the family of allium (including chives and leek) are poisonous to cats if they eat a big serving of them or repeatedly nibble on small amounts over time. 
  3. Can cats eat garlic? Garlic is part of the allium family, which makes them highly toxic to cats. In fact, it's five times more toxic to cats than onion.
  4. Can cats eat grapes and raisins? - Both are bad news for felines. They can cause kidney failure and GI problems, so should always be avoided. 
  5. Oranges - The seeds, leaves, stem and peel of the orange have oils that are poisonous to cats. Plus, any citrus is very acidic and that can upset  your cat’s tummy. The good thing is that kitties are repelled by the smell of this type of fruit and won’t go near them. 
  6. Can cats eat cherries? All the parts of the cherry plant are toxic to cats, with the exception of the ripe fruit. So you should not feed your cat cherries. 
  7. Can cats eat plums? - Plum seeds, stems, and leaves contain cyanide, which makes them toxic to your feline friend. 
  8. Can cats eat tomatoes? - No, the leaves and skin of tomatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to cats. 
  9. Can cats eat avocado? - Even though there’s no evidence that avocados are poisonous to cats, their pit, skin and leaves are poisonous to rabbits, goats and birds, among other animals. So it’s better not to feed it to your kitty. 
  10. Small bones - Small bones can get stuck in your cat’s throat, or further down the digestive tract causing obstruction. Bones can also irritate or damage their stomach or throat during digestion. 
  11. Can cats eat milk? We’ll elaborate on this one below but, in short, most cats are lactose intolerant and can’t digest milk. 
  12. Can cats eat cheese? - Although cheese is lower in lactose than milk and some cats tolerate it better, you should still be very careful. 
  13. Can cats eat ice cream? Another no. Ice cream contains lactose and lots of sugar, which is not good for your cat’s health. 
  14. Can cats eat xylitol? - It’s a common sweetener that can be found as a sugar substitute in many human foods. It’s toxic to dogs, so you should not give it to cats. 
  15. Raw dough - The main problem with raw dough is that yeast can produce enough carbon dioxide and alcohol to cause big problems for a feline. Plus, dough can expand inside their belly and that’s not good. 
  16. Can cats eat nuts? While nuts are not poisonous to cats, they contain a lot of fats that can damage your kitty’s digestive system. 
  17. Can cats eat mushrooms? Never feed wild mushrooms to your cat as they can be poisonous, but some store-bought mushrooms are safe for felines in small amounts. 
  18. Can cats drink alcohol? Don’t give alcohol to your cat as it can really upset their digestion, cause disorientation, breathing issues, coma and even death. 
  19. Can cats drink coffee or caffeinated products? Caffeine is found in tea and coffee, but also in cocoa, chocolate, cola and stimulant drinks, as well as some medicines. So be careful and never leave them lying around as caffeine is toxic to cats.
  20. Can cats eat popcorn? Popcorn isn't strictly toxic to cats, but with its choking hazards and toppings that are poisonous to cats, it's worth avoiding for your feline friend.
  21. Can cats eat honey? While honey isn't toxic to cats, it's packed with sugar which is bad for our feline friends - avoid!

If your cat has eaten something they weren’t supposed to, take them to the vet as soon as you can. 

Can my cat eat...?

Your cat may turn its tiny nose up to an unfamiliar tin of cat food, but there are many human foods they’ll do anything to get their paws on — even if it’s unsafe.

To keep our feline friends healthy, it’s up to us to know what cats can and can’t eat, and then keep any dangerous foods out of paws’ reach. To make sure know what snacks to watch out for, Cats Protection has kindly cleared up the most common cat cuisine questions…

Can cats drink milk?

No, cats shouldn’t drink milk. While kittens need their mum’s milk to thrive and grow, once they’re weaned, cats become lactose intolerant. While you may like to treat your cat to specially created cat milk, the drink is high in calories and can cause your kitty to pile on the pounds. It can give some cats an upset tummy too.

Ultimately, the only thing your cat should drink is water, of which they should always have a clean supply.

Can cats eat cheese?

So, if they can’t drink milk, can cats eat cheese? Eating any dairy products is likely to give them an upset stomach, so cheese should be avoided.

Can cats eat chocolate?

It may be one of our favorite foods, but chocolate can kill cats and dogs. The danger is due to a substance called theobromine, and even a small amount can cause cats to suffer serious heart problems and seizures.

Can cats eat liver?

A very small amount of liver no more than once a week is fine for your cat. Any more than this can make your cat very ill, as liver contains a high amount of vitamin A.

Can cats eat tuna?

Tuna sold for human consumption can cause your cat to suffer serious tummy upset. Tuna can also be high in Mercury that can be harmful to your cat, so it should be fed very occasionally and in small amounts. However, there is plenty of cat-friendly tuna on the market that is fine for your cat to eat.

Can cats eat garlic?

Ever heard the rumor that garlic will help protect your cat from parasites like fleas and worms? The myth is not only untrue, but can actually be dangerous for your moggy as even a small amount can cause them to develop a life-threatening form of anemia.

Can cats eat onion?

No, onions are part of the same food family as garlic and so can also cause your cat to develop life-threatening anemia.

Can cats eat raw meat?

Cats are meat-eaters, and most would be more than happy to eat it raw. However, a raw food diet for cats can cause quite a few problems. Not only is it unlikely to meet your cat’s nutritional needs, it may also contain bacteria and parasites that can make both you and your cat unwell.

Can cats eat dog food?

No, dog food is not an appropriate substitute for cat food. The diets of cats and dogs are very different; cats are carnivores and dogs are omnivores. For this reason, dog food does not contain enough meat protein or even the appropriate amount of other nutrients to keep your cat healthy.

Can cats eat biscuits?

Cats can eat cat biscuits because they are created with their bellies and health in mind, so they won’t have any ingredients that can be harmful. But if you’re asking yourself if cats can eat human biscuits, then the answer is different. Technically, cats can eat human biscuits in moderation, but it’s not recommended as, like any other bread products, they are full of carbs and empty calories that will make your kitty pile on the pounds and contribute to nutritional deficiencies in the long term. So, better not feed your cat biscuits.

Meet our veterinary expert, Holly

This article has been checked by veterinarian Holly Anne Hills BVM BVS BVMedSci. After graduating from the University of Nottingham, Holly spent two years working as a farm animal vet. She then spent some time traveling and volunteering in India, working at neutering clinics and with injured street dogs. Holly now works in small animal practice, and balances this with writing, volunteering with the comms team at Vet Sustain, and she is also a marine mammal medic!

Still unsure about what your cat can or can’t eat?

If you’re ever concerned about your cat’s cuisine, it’s important to consult a veterinary professional. For TrustedHousesitters members, you can do this for free while on a sit by calling the veterinary experts at our dedicated Vet Advice Line, day or night. Whether it’s concerning your own cat or a pet in your care, they’ll happily help you with all your animal-related questions or queries.

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