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  9. 10 reasons why cats are better than dogs

10 reasons why cats are better than dogs

TrustedHousesitters blog author - Hayley Ward
Hayley Ward
25 January 20234 min read
Kitten being stroked by woman's hand

Updated on 16 May 2024

Calling all cat people and keen kitty house sitters! Welcome to this feline-fanatic filter bubble where we’re settling the age-old debate: why cats are better than dogs (and we’re back with scientific* evidence on why they make great companions, no less). Without any further ado, let’s pounce in - claws first.

1. A purring cat means happy, healthy humans

Are cats good for your mental health? Answer us this - have you ever heard a cat purring and suddenly felt a sense of calm? Yup, there are reasons why cats are better than dogs - scientifically* speaking. 

According to the World Wide Web, studies have shown that cats purring can reduce stress in humans, lowering blood pressure and helping to heal human muscles and bones.

2. Learning how to train cats is easy

And are dogs better or cats on the training front? Well fellow cat lover, you’ll be pleased to learn that training a cat is pretty straightforward. In fact, our feline friends don’t actually require any formal training, as such. All kittens need is to be shown where the litter tray is, and they’ll go ahead and use it - that’s cat owners’ diaries freed up.

3. Cats are lower maintenance pets

Are cats low maintenance? Yes, yes and yes. They’re lower maintenance than dogs - that’s for sure. Cats are great in general, but they’re also highly independent creatures - they can go out for the day and entertain themselves without troubling you for walkies or constant head patting. 

Not to mention that cats don’t need cleaning, while dogs require all kinds of pampering (baths, grooming, face wiping), cats are naturally clean animals and would frankly be offended if you stuck them in a bath. Plus, cleaning out a litter box (and cleaning bed linen to ward of cat allergies) is much easier than three walks a day, right?

4. Cats cost less than dogs

Maybe one of the biggest advantages of cats over dogs is the cost of having a cat is strikingly lower than that of pet parenting a dog. The ASPCA crunched the numbers and suggested that the annual cost of keeping a dog is $1391, whereas a cat is only $1149.

5. Cats live longer than dogs

Another reason why cats make great pets is that they often live longer than dogs. Any pet parent knows that losing a furry friend is the hardest part about having one, and while the average cat lifespan is 12 years, it’s common for them to live well into their high teens and early twenties. And even though no pet will last forever, having a kitty for those extra years is comforting for many pet parents.

6. Cats are quieter than dogs

Yet another reason why cats are better than dogs is that they won’t give you a headache barking all night. With a feline friend’s quiet nature, not only can pet parents avoid the howling, barking and whining, they instead add to a tranquil home environment with affectionate purring and sleepy meows. (Dog lovers might tell you otherwise, but this is a kitty-loving echo chamber, so we’ll ignore that).

7. Cats take up less room than dogs

If you’ve ever spent time with a Newfoundland, Old English Sheepdog or one of the most popular dog breeds - the Golden Retriever, you’ll know just how much room they take up, not to mention the hazard those lengthy tails pose. 

While there are some small dog breeds out there, cats generally take up a whole lot less space than their canine counterparts - just one reason why cats are better than dogs for curling up on the sofa while maintaining a sense of personal space.

8. Cats are happy indoors

Another one for the feline fanatic echo chamber on why cats are better than dogs - cats are perfectly content indoors. In fact, many of them quite like it (have you ever seen a cat happier than when she finds the perfect indoor sunbathing spot?). 

And if cats need fresh air, they’ll take themselves around the block so that you don’t have to - felines are thoughtful like that. And admittedly, it’s a different story for house cats - they’re even happier indoors, but it’s a pet parent’s responsibility to make sure their feline friend gets the fresh air they need.

9. Cats are cleaner 

If you need any more reasons why cats are better than dogs, here’s another news flash: cats are cleaner and less messy than dogs. A stressed dog will turn your living room upside down, eat the contents of any nearby open packets and even gnaw on your shoes. Not to mention, cats use their tongue as a precise drinking funnel, whereas anywhere a canine has a drink quickly becomes a slip hazard.

10. Cats ward off unwanted pests

Just one last reason why cats are the best - they’ll keep pests at bay, whereas if anything, dogs simply draw attention to them. It’s in our feline friends’ DNA to see off unwanted mice and bugs - in fact, their scent can act as a repellent against rodents.

Now that we’ve settled why cats are better than dogs, ever wondered why we humans are so fanatical about felines? Head to our blog as we dive into why cats are so cute to us.

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