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Yana & Danylo

Yana& Sons Team from Vienna

Vienna, Austria

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Our experience

10+ years

I am a dog person, having dogs all my life. My son Danil has a cat Dizel. When we on a travel, my husband helps us to take care about Dizel.

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catspoultryPoultrybirdBirdsAdministering medication

Yana & Danylo 's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile


Hi friends! My name is Yana. I have two sons, 22 and 17 years old. We are Ukrainians and since 2017 living and working in Vienna. We are a lovely family, that loves to travel. We will be happy to support you sitting with your pet with all

Why we want to house sit

We are considering alternatives to standard travelling via Booking. And as we love and have our own pets we will be glad to help and enjoy the company of your pet.

Preferred countries


Profile details

Yana 45 and Danylo 23
Business Development Manager and Sales Manager
With children