Franziska & Benedikt

Travel with heart, animals in focus - Our adventures in harmony.

Landshut, Germany

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Airbnb profile

Our experience

10+ years

Animal Enthusiasts Extraordinaire! We are Franziska and Benedikt, and our lives have been enriched by our deep and enduring love for animals. Our journey with these wonderful creatures has been an incredible adventure, filled with

dogDogsdogSenior dogscatCatscatSenior catssmall-petsSmall pets
  • Ferry

    jack russell terrier

    Owned in past

  • Saladin


    Owned in past

  • Lucky

    rescue pet

    Owned in past

  • Piggy

    rescue pet

    Owned in past

Franziska & Benedikt's social profiles

Airbnb profile

References (2)



Franziska & Benedikt looked after Helmut’s pets & home

Ich bin dankbar für Franziska und Benedikt's Engagement und ihre professionelle Herangehensweise an die Haussitteraufgabe. Sie sind vertrauenswürdige und fürsorglich Haussitter, die ich ohne zu zögern weiterempfehle. Jeder, der zuverlässige Personen sucht, die sich liebevoll um sein Zuhause und seine Tiere kümmern, ist bei Franziska und Benedikt in besten Händen.




Reference from Franziska & Benedikt’s family member

06 October 2023


In our exciting journey through life, we have discovered a passion for two things that make our hearts beat faster: love for animals and curiosity about the world. Our home is not only the place where we have our roots, but also the place

Why we want to house sit

We are passionate animal lovers and avid travelers, always looking for new adventures and cultural experiences. Our heart beats for animals, and we believe they are an integral part of our lives. We are ready to lovingly care for your furry

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Franziska 29 and Benedikt 32
trained retail saleswoman and group leader aircraft industry
With a partner