Sofia & Semyon

A married couple, currently travelling around the world, ready to help :)

Zalaegerszeg, Hungary

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check1 external reference

Airbnb profile

Our experience

5 years

This is our first experience on Trusted Housesitters, that's why we don't have references so far. But it doesn't mean that we have no experience in petsitting. We were asked several times to look after pets of our friends and relatives. We

dogDogsdogSenior dogscatCatscatSenior catsfishFishsmall-petsSmall petsAdministering medication

Sofia & Semyon's social profiles

Airbnb profile

References (1)



Sofia & Semyon looked after Katya’s pets & home

Sofia and Semyon were looking after our two cats and plants while we were on a 2 weeks vacation. This wasn't the only occasion we asked them to fulfill this duty. They are always reliable and helpful, we recommend them.




Reference from Sofia & Semyon’s friend

06 May 2024


My name is Sofia, and I'm a language teacher, travel blogger and writer. My husband's name is Semyon, he is an IT specialist. We are from Hungary. Our passion is travel, and in 2023 our dream came true as we started our around the world

Why we want to house sit

As we work remotely, time to time we need to stop for 1-3 weeks to only focus on our work. During this "break", it would be a pleasure to look after someone's pets, because we miss the quality time spent with our loved pets. We also know

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Sofia 35 and Semyon 37
teacher and IT specialist
With a partner