Roelle & Rosario

Loving and active petsitters

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Our experience

10+ years

I, Roelle, grew up with a dog. In covidtime I took care of a dog because the owners had to go to work and I could work from home. I had two roommates in the last 3 years and they both had a dog, I love to share the care for the dog. Rosario

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsfishFishpoultryPoultrysmall-petsSmall pets
  • Abbi

    australian shepherd

    Cared for

  • Tommy


    Cared for

  • Nelson

    golden retriever

    Cared for

  • Luna


    Cared for

Roelle & Rosario's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile


Hi! My name is Roelle. After a few years working in a corporate company I changed career to become an entrepreneur. I'm from Groningen, but living in Amsterdam. My boyfriend is from Italy and we try to find balance together living in

Why we want to house sit

We like to travel and we like animals, so for us it's a perfect combination. We're both active and love nature. So when we stay in another city, we like to take care of someone else's pet.

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Roelle 35 and Rosario 32
With a partner