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Adam & Vanessa

Australian family of four, home-schooling and enjoying slow travelling.

Bodrum, Turkey
1 Review

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Our experience

10+ years

We have always had pets before travelling, two terriers Morris and Rusty and a cat named Clive. Two passed at around 15 years old each and our youngest Rusty is now adored as part of a new family (family friends in Australia)


Reviews (1)


Adam and family were brilliant. Communicated clearly in advance, have us great confidence that our home and dogs would be happy and followed through

  • dog
London, United Kingdom · 30 Dec 2023 - 07 Jan 2024


We are an Australian family that have been travelling Turkiye mostly for the last 2 years, we just heard about THS and figured it's perfect for us as we look after all the street animals where we go anyway (lots in Turkiye) and the kids

Why we want to house sit

We are travelling and home schooling, we love to settle in to a place and travel slowly. This seems a perfect opportunity for us given our lifestyle.

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Adam 43 and Vanessa 44
Investor and Speech Pathologist
With children