2 Huskies and a Cabin on a Lake

Talkeetna, AK, US
  • 2dog


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Hello. My partner and I live in Talkeetna with our sled dogs. We have a cute place on a lake that offers skiing right out the door in the winter and paddle boarding in the summer. Our place is between an Alaskan cabin and a house where we

Home & location

We have a cute place on a lake that offers skiing right out the door in the winter and paddle boarding in the summer. Our place is somewhere in between an Alaskan cabin and a house where we have running water, so a shower and laundry, but

houseHousecountrysideCountrysideNot accessible by public transport



Our dogs are active dogs so need at least a walk once a day. We have a 2 mile loop right outside our door to ski so a minimum of that per day is needed. I do like my house plants but they are pretty hardy so they need watering approximately

Meet the pets

  • Sagal

    13 years

  • Ressy

    4 years

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. Alaska
  4. chevron-right
  5. Talkeetna