Denisa Andreea

Passionate traveler & pet lover

Saint-Eustache, QC, Canada
1 Review

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My experience

10+ years

I've been doing this for years, because of my family's kennel. I feed the dogs, take them on walks, hikes, play with them, cuddle etc. I've also helped with rescued dogs in Mexico. I tool the dogs on walks, I would walk them and get them

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatsbirdBirdsAdministering medication

Denisa Andreea's social profiles

LinkedIn profile

Reviews (1)


We found Denisa to be caring and compassionate with our pup. She was well-organized, and we were delighted with how clean and tidy our house was when we

  • dog
Chelsea, QC, Canada · 20 Apr - 29 Apr 2024

References (1)


Daniel Birta

Denisa Andreea looked after Daniel Birta’s pets & home

Everytime I leave in vacation she would take care of the whole kennel 12 dogs +. She also feeds very regularly the dogs that are at the house while I take care of the dogs at the farm. She takes them on walks and hikes often. The dogs really love her.




Reference from Denisa Andreea’s family member

22 March 2024


Hi there! I'm Denisa, a 27-year-old who adores traveling, sports, outdoors and animals. I'm all about exploring new places, whether it's surfing in exotic waters or hiking in breathtaking landscapes. I also have a knack for skydiving

Why I want to house sit

House and pet sitting combines two of my greatest passions: traveling and spending time with animals. Having grown up surrounded by pets, they've always been an integral part of my life. When I embark on my travels, having pets around me

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

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