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  9. 100+ vibrant cat names that start with V

100+ vibrant cat names that start with V

TrustedHousesitters blog writer Lydia Paladina
Lydia Paladina
26 March 20235 min read
A long-haired tabby cat looking out from a wooden doorway.

Introducing a new furry friend to your household is an exciting time, and finding the purrfect name for your cat is an important part of the process. If you're looking for cat names that start with V, you've come to the right place! From elegant and cute to cool and unique, we've compiled a list of names beginning with V for your vivacious furry feline. Let’s venture into the wonderful world of cat names that start with V!

Tips on finding the purr-fect name for your cat: 

Choosing a name for your cat is an opportunity to showcase their individuality and personality (no pressure!). When considering a V-name for your cat, keep the following tips in mind:

Reflect their character

Observe your furry friend’s behavior, traits, and quirks. Are they playful, mischievous, or affectionate? Use their unique qualities to inspire their name.

Consider the sound

Pay attention to the rhythm and pronunciation of the name. Opt for names that are easy to say and have a pleasing ring to them (your cat sitter will thank you later).

Research the meaning

Some names have deeper meanings or historical significance. Exploring the background of a name can add a special touch to your cat's identity and ensure their name really aligns with who they are.

Now, let's get to the main event: the list of cat names that start with V!

Girl cat names that start with V

  • Vixen (referring to a female fox, perfect for a sly and clever cat)
  • Valencia (derived from the city in Spain, symbolizing strength and vitality)
  • Violet (representing elegance and grace)
  • Vesper (inspired by the evening twilight)
  • Venus (named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty)
  • Velvet (for a soft and luxurious cat)
  • Vega (a star in the constellation Lyra)
  • Vienna (an enchanting city known for its history and culture)
  • Valentina (meaning "strong" or "vigorous" in Latin)
  • Willow (a graceful name for a slender, agile cat)
  • Viva (denoting liveliness and vivacity)
  • Valeria (derived from the Latin word for "valor" or "strength")
  • Vida (meaning "life" in Spanish)
  • Virgo (the zodiac sign associated with modesty and precision)
  • Verity (symbolizing truth and sincerity)
  • Vicky (a friendly, approachable name)
  • Viola (inspired by the musical instrument and flower)
  • Vespera (derived from the Latin word for "evening")
  • Valerie (denoting bravery and courage)
  • Vanya (a Russian name meaning "gracious gift")

Related article: Cat names that start with S

Boy cat names that start with V

  • Victor (meaning "winner" or "conqueror" in Latin)
  • Vincent (a classic name, associated with creativity and artistry)
  • Vortex (for a whirlwind of energy and playfulness)
  • Viper (inspired by the venomous snake, perfect for a kitty with a striking presence)
  • Valiant (representing bravery and courage)
  • Viking (evoking images of strength and resilience)
  • Volt (for an energetic puss)
  • Vagabond (a free-spirited name for an adventurous mog)
  • Virgil (derived from the Roman poet, symbolizing wisdom)
  • Valen (meaning "strong" or "healthy" in Spanish)
  • Vulcan (named after the Roman god of fire and metalworking)
  • Vinnie (a playful name)
  • Vito (denoting life and vitality)
  • Vegas (inspired by the vibrant city known for its entertainment)
  • Vapor (for a mysterious and elusive fur baby)
  • Vasco (a Portuguese name meaning "crow" or "raven")
  • Viggo (derived from Old Norse, symbolizing battle and war)
  • Valiant (representing bravery and heroism)
  • Vidal (meaning "lively" or "energetic" in Spanish)
  • Voss (a sophisticated name)

Related article: Cat names that start with T

Cute cat names beginning with V

  • Velvet Paws (an endearing name for a cat with soft, gentle paws)
  • Vanilla Bean (for a sweet, charming kitty)
  • Vivi (a cute and playful nickname)
  • Vinniekins (a darling name for an affectionate feline friend)
  • Valenpurr (a purrfect combination of Valentine and purr)
  • Vellie (an adorable name for a fluffy kitty)
  • Valentine (a charming name for a cat you love dearly)
  • Vinnie Winks (for a mischievous mog)
  • Valentina Whiskers (a cute and whimsical name)
  • Vesper Tinytoes (for a dainty kitty)

Related article: Cat names that start with I

Unique cat names starting with V

  • Vox (Latin for "voice," ideal for a vocal kitty)
  • Verdant (meaning "green" or "lush," perfect for nature lovers)
  • Vortexia (a unique and mystical name)
  • Valkyrie (inspired by the mythological female warriors)
  • Vulcanus (a powerful name)
  • Vellichor (the lingering scent of a bookshop, ideal for a cat-loving bibliophile)
  • Vyra (derived from the Latin word for "true" or "genuine")
  • Vireo (a small, colorful bird known for its melodic voice)
  • Vespera (Latin for "evening star," evoking a sense of beauty and mystery)
  • Vardo (referring to a traditional Romani wagon)

Related article: Cat names that start with P

Cool cat names that start with V

  • Venom (for a captivating cat)
  • Vaporwave (a trendy and futuristic name)
  • Voodoo (inspired by the mystical and spiritual)
  • Valiant (a strong, powerful name)
  • Vox Machina (a nod to the popular web series Critical Role)
  • Voyager (for an adventurous cat)
  • Vortex Rider (a cool name for a kitty with boundless energy)
  • Voltage (denoting energy and excitement)
  • Vexx (an edgy name)

Related article: Cool names for your cat

Pop culture cat names that start with V

  • Vader (a homage to the iconic Star Wars villain)
  • Varys (a character from Game of Thrones known for his wit and cunning)
  • Veronica (inspired by the beloved comic character)
  • Vision (named after the powerful android from the Marvel universe)
  • Voldemort (for a mischievous mog with a touch of dark magic)
  • Valjean (Les Misérables fans will recognize this noble name)
  • Valkyrie (named after the fearless warrior from Thor: Ragnarok)
  • Vito Corleone (in honor of the iconic character from The Godfather)
  • Vesper Lynd (a sophisticated name from Casino Royale)
  • Velma (for a smart, inquisitive cat, paying homage to Scooby-Doo)

Related article: Cat names that start with U

We hope this list of V cat names has inspired you in your quest to find the purrfect name for your furry friend. Remember to choose a name that reflects their unique personality - you don’t have to name them the moment they arrive home and you may wish to get to know them a little bit first. Whether your cat is a Vixen or a Voodoo, may their name bring joy and happiness to your home!

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