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  9. 5 fun facts to celebrate Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

5 fun facts to celebrate Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

TrustedHousesitters blog author - Danielle Petch
Danielle Petch
September 01, 20202 min read
A ginger cat sitting on a person's lap

Updated 30 Aug 2024

September 1st is a very special day for cat lovers. Not only is it Ginger Cat Appreciation Day, it also marks the very first day of Happy Cat Month (although here at Trusted HQ, we'd argue that should be an all-year-round event!). So, in celebration of this cat-centric day, we’ve gathered together some fun facts about these fabulous felines…

1. They are usually male

In fact, around 80% of all ginger cats are male. This is because the gene that produces that beautiful orange hue is found on the X chromosome, which male cats only need to inherit from their mother. On the flip side, calico cats (who are one-third orange) are almost always female!

2. They love to eat!

It’s not just coincidence that popular cartoon kitty, Garfield, is known for his love of food! In fact, ginger cats famously have very healthy appetites. Unfortunately, this love of food often means they're more prone to overeating and obesity, so be sure to keep a close eye on what your curious kitty is consuming. 

Related article: 5 top tips to help your cat lose weight

3. You’ll probably spot one on your television screen soon...

From Orangey the famous marmalade tabby that shared a screen with Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's to the more recent Street Cat Named Bob, it seems ginger cats really were made for the spotlight. There’s even been a famous long line of ginger cats take up residence at Winston Churchill’s home (all named Jock), a request that was decreed by the former UK prime minister himself.

4. They come in four different coat types

You’ve probably already noticed that ginger cats have the most wonderful markings on their fur, but did you know they typically come in four different variations? Here are the different distinctions…

  • Mackerel - this is the most common type of coat and is the classic striped, tiger-like appearance you’re probably most familiar with.
  • Classic - the Classic tabby has a dark marbled appearance, usually appearing in swirls or circles.
  • Spotted - as the name suggests, Spotted tabby cats have very distinctive dark spots dotted around their coats, and is the same markings often seen on Bengal cats. 
  • Ticked - finally, Ticked tabbies have speckled markings (also known as agouti markings) which are striped with alternating light and dark strands.

5. They have a reputation for being extra friendly

At least according to a survey conducted by the University of California, which found that cat lovers were more likely to assign positive personality traits (such as friendliness) to ginger cats versus white or tortoiseshell kitties. Either way, we bet most ginger cat parents would agree that their kitty possesses that typical laid-back, easy-going personality regularly attributed to the ginger feline!

Have you got a ginger kitty filling up your phone’s camera roll? We’d love to see them! Share your special snaps with us on Instagram and TikTok using #TrustedTales.

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